Submissions to Cat & Mouse Press
We are a very small company and only publish books that have a direct connection to the Delmarva region. Before submitting a manuscript, please send a query letter to
Short Story Anthologies
From time to time, we invite authors to submit short stories for specific, themed collections. Beach Love, for example, is a collection of romance stories set in beach towns along the Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey coast. Authors of stories accepted for these anthologies are paid a flat fee ($50-$75, depending on length), given one free copy of the book, and allowed to buy additional copies at a discount (there is no purchase requirement). Authors retain the rights to their stories but must sign a contract granting first or one-time publication rights.
You can find information on any current calls for submissions here.
Rehoboth Beach Reads Short Story Contest
The annual short story contest runs from March 1 to July 1 and invites authors to submit stories that fit the year’s theme and are set in Rehoboth Beach, DE. A panel of judges selects the top stories. Authors of stories selected for the book receive a free copy of the book and the option to buy additional copies at a discount (there is no purchase requirement). the top stories are awarded cash prizes of $500, $250, and $100. More about the contest here.