

Submissions to Cat & Mouse Press

We are a very small company and only publish books that have a direct connection to the Delmarva region. Before submitting a manuscript, please send a query letter to

Short Story Anthologies

Beach Love book

From time to time, we invite authors to submit short stories for specific, themed collections. Beach Love, for example, is a collection of romance stories set in beach towns along the Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey coast. Authors of stories accepted for these anthologies are paid a flat fee ($50-$75, depending on length), given one free copy of the book, and allowed to buy additional copies at a discount (there is no purchase requirement). Authors retain the rights to their stories but must sign a contract granting first or one-time publication rights.

You can find information on any current calls for submissions here.

Rehoboth Beach Reads Short Story Contest

Rehoboth Beach Reads series

The annual short story contest runs from March 1 to July 1 and invites authors to submit stories that fit the year’s theme and are set in Rehoboth Beach, DE. A panel of judges selects the top stories. Authors of stories selected for the book receive a free copy of the book and the option to buy additional copies at a discount (there is no purchase requirement). the top stories are awarded cash prizes of $500, $250, and $100. More about the contest here.