Judges Announced for Rehoboth Beach Reads Short Story Contest
The judges have been chosen for the 2016 Rehoboth Beach Reads Short Story Contest. We have another great team this year to read your submissions and select the stories that will appear in Beach Nights.
The Judges
Denise Camacho

Denise Camacho is the president of Intrigue Publishing, LLC. Ms. Camacho has been in the publishing business for over 12 years. Her experience includes vanity presses, print-on-demand, and self-publishing. She ultimately settled on partnering with her husband Austin S. Camacho and Sandra Bowman to start their own small publishing company in 2012 and has worked diligently to find great books worthy of Intrigue. Ms. Camacho is also committed to helping authors navigate the publishing industry. She regularly attends seminars on what is new in publishing as well as attending writer conferences sharing her experiences.
Laurel Marshfield

Laurel Marshfield is a professional writer, ghostwriter, developmental editor, and book coach who assists authors of nonfiction, fiction, memoir, and biography in preparing their book manuscripts for publication. She has helped more than 400 authors shape, develop, and refine their book manuscripts—by offering manuscript evaluation, developmental editing, book coaching, ghostwriting, and co-authorship—through her editorial services for authors business, Blue Horizon Communications.
On Twitter, her handle is: BookEditorLM. Website address: BlueHorizonCommunications.com
John A. Nieves

John A. Nieves is an Assistant Professor of English at Salisbury University. Dr. Nieves has poems forthcoming or recently published in journals such as: Southern Review, Pleiades, Crazyhorse, The Literary Review, and Verse Daily. He won the Indiana Review Poetry Contest and his first book, Curio (2014), won the Elixir Press Annual Poetry Award Judge’s Prize. He received his M.A. from University of South Florida and his PhD from the University of Missouri.
Mary Pauer

Mary Pauer received her MFA in creative writing in 2010 from Stonecoast, at the University of Southern Maine. In 2011 she was awarded the Delaware Division of the Arts Emerging Fellow in Literature (fiction) and in 2014, the Established Fellow in Literature (fiction). Her short fiction work has received awards from the Delaware Press Association and the National Federation of Press Women. Her work has been published in Southern Women’s Review, The Broadkill Review, On the Rusk, Delaware Beach Life, Delaware Today, Avocet Quarterly, Avocet Weekly, and Wanderings. Her most recent work is in The Delmarva Review and Currents, an anthology of Delaware writers. She is the author of two collections of short fiction. Ms. Pauer is on staff at New Rivers Press and reads for the American Fiction Prize. She has judged writing contests in Maine and Delaware and works with private writing clients from varied disciplines.
Judith Reveal

Judy Reveal is a freelance editor, book indexer, book reviewer, and author. She works with writers as an editor and coach and has edited nearly 100 manuscripts, many of which have gone on to publication. Ms. Reveal has taught creative writing classes at Chesapeake College as well as at arts councils across the Delmarva Peninsula. She presents workshops at the Bay To Ocean (BTO) Writers Conference, Harford County Library Writers Conference, Creative Writers Conference (Lewes, DE), and Dover Library. She has published short stories in local, regional, and national magazines and has five books published, including The Four Elements of Fiction. She is a book reviewer for the New York Journal of Books (www.nyjournalofbooks.com). Additional information is available at her website: www.justcreativewriting.com.
Billie Travalini

Billie Travalini, a recipient of a 2014 Governor’s Award for the Arts, has received Delaware Division of the Arts Fellowships, professional, in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. She will be a guest writer and panelist at the 14th International Conference of the Short Story, July, 2016, Shanghai, China. Her recent publications include Blood Sisters and “On Hearing My Son is Socrates and my Husband Frank Sinatra”: her edited works include, On the Mason Dixon Line: an Anthology of Contemporary Delaware Writers, Teaching Troubled Youth: a Practical Pedagogical Approach, and No Place Like Here: An Anthology of Southern Delaware Poetry and Prose. She co-founded and coordinates the Lewes Creative Writers Conference, serves on the Historic Preservation Committee of the Fort DuPont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation, and teaches creative writing at Wilmington University. A graduate of the University of Delaware and Temple, she is busy at work on Rush Limbaugh and the French Apple Pie and Other Stories and Rules to Survive Childhood, a sequel to Blood Sisters.