Write Short Stories that Win
Write short stories with confidence after reading How to Write Winning Short Stories, a concise and practical guide that includes developing a theme and premise, choosing a title, creating characters, crafting realistic dialogue, bringing the setting to life, working with structure, and editing. Submission and marketing advice is also provided. The author, who manages an annual short story competition, offers guidance on manuscript formatting, submission options, contest entry, and how to write short stories that get the attention of a publisher or contest judge.
The book is perfect for anyone who is considering writing a short story. It will give beginning writers a practical playbook for getting started and help experienced writers build their skills.
Based on the author’s experiences running an annual short story contest and working with dozens of writers to help them improve and perfect their stories, combined with extensive research (the bibliography contains 80+ sources), here, in one concise little guide, is the best advice and most successful tips for writing winning short stories. Each chapter concludes with a handy checklist for reviewing what was learned and checking stories for possible areas of improvement.
Learn how to write short stories that win contests and get selected for publication.
How to Write Winning Short Stories is available in both print and e-book form.
There are many books out purporting to teach short story writing. This one unabashedly announces that it will teach how to write winning, publishable short stories. The content is exceptionally well organized and clear. The chapters teaching structure, character development, marketing, etc. have a checklist at the end of the chapter. They are good refresher tips for established writers as well. There’s an excellent chapter on self-editing, a process many writers hate. The book is attractively packaged on quality paper. A careful study of the instructions in this book will lead to winning stories. – Delaware Press Association judge, when giving How to Write Winning Short Stories the first-place award for general fiction in 2015.

Multiple-copy discounts are available to writers’ groups, teachers, and workshop leaders.